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Find a person to accompany you on any activity, interest, or an event just by entering a search from your city, region, or travel destination just as you would an online search. Once your mutual interest is found, send a friend request, and invite.



Find a person to accompany you in any activity, hobby, or interest, simply type your keyword in the search bar and locate an activity partner anywhere around the world.

Get invited for a drink, lunch, dinner, a sports activity, karaoke, biking, hiking, video games, travel companions, foodie or expat meetups, even locate roommates, you name it.

Simply type the keyword into the search bar and once your mutual interest is found send a friend request, get acquainted, and invite.
In the process upload photos and videos that reflect you, your activities, hobbies, and interests.
Hey! WhatUp' is the friend-finder activity search engine platform for locating friends, roommates, new activity partners, relationships, dating, jobs, and business networking.

You may use your search bar to locate and employ nearby services and businesses every day people search for in all walks of life, and in the process meet new friends.

Hey,WhatsUp Members

How It Works

Type a keyword into the search bar to find a person to accompany you in any activity or interest just as you would a google search, you may also search members by city or location just as you would on Facebook!

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Local Business Brand Members

Promote Your Business Brand

Reach a local audience of up to 75 miles from the location you have entered when signing up. Advertise your items, website, and merchandise to all within your local region with a free boost on every visual upload with your local brand premium account. Hey! WhatUp' members receive call-to-action icons of your choice to each time you post. ...

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Global Brand Members

Sell your merchandise by reaching an unlimited audience converting users into customers by reaching Hey, WhatUp! members around the world with every upload you post, the moment you decide to upload your boost by assigning a call to action button to your feed within your profile keyword edit.

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